Thursday, August 7, 2008

I Won An Award!

Erica ( has honored me with an award. I check her blog regularly for creative inspiration whether it's coming from the craft room or the kitchen, or sometimes just about life in general. She was kind enough to pick my blog as one of her 7 to pass along the award to.

Here are the rules of the nomination and award acceptance:

1) The winner can post the logo on her blog

2) Link the person you received your award from

3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs

4) Put links of those blogs on yours

5) Leave a message on the blogs you've nominated

I'm having some technical issues right now linking the blogs I want to nominate, but hopefully I will have that resolved shortly. Until then, please feel free to check out my blogroll over on the left side of the page. Those are a few of my favorites.

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